Home is where the heart is — and everything else. Housing is a necessity that is relevant to every consumer. Knowing the financial concerns and details that owning or renting a home or apartment entail will help you be more aware of what options you and/or your family have for shelter.
The video below introduces the concept of renting a place and provides key factors to consider when doing so. The various resources on this page cover topics from rent vs. buy to home mortgages, and many more.
Finding A Place To Rent | |
While renting requires less immediate cash and fewer obligations than owning a home, that doesn’t mean that it’s cheap or easy, or that it comes without strings attached. Read on to supplement your knowledge of renting from the video above. | |
Buying a house: Tools and Resources for Homebuyers | |
Whether you’re just thinking about buying a home or about to close, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau can help you take control of the process. | |
Renting a Place | |
Whether you want to move out of your parents’ house or find a new apartment or house to rent, there are many options to consider. Before you start looking for a place to rent, read through this resource for expenses to think anticipate, what questions to ask landlords, and more. | |
Budgeting For Your First Apartment | |
Budgeting for your first apartment can be a little tricky, especially if you’re also new to managing your money. This article touches on points to consider and plan for. | |
Renting with Roommates | |
When two or more people sign the same rental agreement or lease—or enter into the same oral rental agreement—they are cotenants and share the same legal rights and responsibilities. Click this link to learn how to avoid disputes among roommates. | |
To Rent Or To Buy A Home? | |
When making the decision to rent or buy a place to live, there are two broad categories of factors to be considered. Let us look at the financial factors – namely, the initial and ongoing costs, as well as the long-term pros and cons – of owning your home. | |
Finding Affordable Rental Housing | |
Learn about government programs that help low-income people find affordable rental housing. Each of the programs – subsidized housing, public housing, and housing choice vouchers – is different. Get the details on how they work, who is eligible, and how to apply. | |
Is Buying A House A Good Investment? | |
It depends. Buying a house has long been considered a good investment. But do you have to live in the home? Owning a home and renting it out may be the better choice. Read on to learn more details. | |
5 Steps to Buying A Home That Won’t Bust Your Budget | |
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the decisions that go into buying a new home. But one question holds the key to home-buying success: how much home can you afford? Lucky for you, you don’t need a degree in rocket science to find the answer. You just need to know how to budget. Here are five steps to buying a home Dave Ramsey recommends to make the process smoother. | |
Down Payment Assistance Programs in Every State For 2023 | |
This down payment assistance (DPA) resource will help guide you through different types of DPA programs that reduce the amount needed for a down payment and who may qualify for DPA loans or grants. | |
Guide to the Best Mortgage Lenders of 2023 | |
A mortgage is one of the biggest financial commitments you’ll ever make — and one you’ll be paying off for years. Finding a reputable lender and a loan that fits your needs is essential. | |
Home Buyer’s Guide | |
This 9-part guide begins with assessing if you’re ready to buy a home all the way to closing on your home! For a comprehensive resource on all things related to buying a home, explore this guide. | |
How To Buy/Sell/Rent/Finance A Home | |
Toggle between these four tabs to read through critical steps to consider when buying, selling, renting, or financing a home. | |