As parents, you know your kids always come first. This also means prioritizing your finances to accommodate your child, and teaching them as they grow up to be financially-savvy. By age 7, kids will already have habits that will translate into their adulthood and finances. Make sure you can prepare yourself for–and teach your kids–proper money management in all relevant aspects.
Explore resources pre-baby, post-baby, and when raising your child to ensure your finances and your kid’s finances are always in the best shape.
Greenlight – The Debit Card For Kids | |
Greenlight is the debit card for kids that parents manage from their phones with flexible parental controls. Chores is the new app feature that helps you easily manage one-time or weekly chores, and motivates kids to get them done. | |
Use Coin-Based Games to Teach Money Skills | |
Kids learn best when they think they are playing a game. By turning coin-counting and math exercises into fun games that the whole family can play, kids can learn valuable information about money management without even realizing it. | |
4 Fun Activities to Teach Kids About Money | |
These simple activities teach kids about basic financial principles, including charitable giving, delayed gratification, budgeting, saving money, and compounding interest. | |
Four Creative Ways to Teach Kids About Finance | |
Kids learn best when they are engaged and having fun. Creative methods of teaching financial literacy make the information more interesting and relevant to kids. | |
17 Fun Money Activities for Kids | |
Try these 17 money activities for kids to teach them how to differentiate coins and bills. | |
12 Games and Programs to Teach Kids About Money | |
Money games can help kids learn the basics of personal finance, like budgeting and saving, and be more likely to practice good financial behaviors as adults. | |
Teaching Financial Literacy to Children | |
Teaching your children about finances can start at any age. Instilling good financial habits can help ensure proper money management in the future. Whether it is a money game or a lesson plan, having a basic understanding of financial literacy is key to a successful future. | |
Mapping for the Future: Saving for Your Child’s Post-Secondary Journey | |
With the continued rising costs of post-secondary education, be it a trade school, a junior college or a private college or public university, it is never too early to save for the future, particularly when it comes to your children’s education. | |
Discussing Money Matters: A Parent’s Guide | |
This quick guide helps parents become more informed and find resources and fun activities that open the door to more conversations about money matters. | |
Baby Make Three: Financial Planning for New Parents | |
Keeping finances on track can be challenging with a new baby. Here are six tips for new parents. | |
How To Raise Kids Who Are Smart About Money (video) | |
Parents are responsible for teaching kids how to manage money. But too few do. Personal finance experts reveal the three things every child (and adult) needs to know about money. | |
10 Tips to Teach Your Child to Save Money | |
As parents, there are so many things we have to teach our children, beginning with the basics of how to eat and share toys to more complicated lessons such as making decisions and getting along with others. | |
Kids Savings Accounts: What You Need to Know | |
Here are the most important things to know about savings accounts for kids. | |
Teaching Kids About Money: An Age-by-Age Guide | |
Read on for some fun, simple ways to introduce finance to your child. | |
A Financial Guide: Helping Your Child with a Disability Become a Financially Secure Adult | |
A financial guide that breaks down steps parents of children with disabilities can take before and after their child turns 18 years to promote and support an adult child’s independence and financial future. | |
How Much to Save for College: 4 Common Questions | |
College financial planning comes with some big questions – not least of all its looming, uncertain price tag. Get answers to four of the biggest ones so you can start preparing for your child’s education. |
Financial Worksheets | |
This site includes various printable worksheets you can give to your child, grades K-12. Scroll to the appropriate topic and age group to get working! | |
Lesson Plans and Worksheets | |
Be the teacher! Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate grade level for your child. Then, use the guide and student activity worksheets to help teach your child the necessary financial lessons. | |