“Building a successful business from the ground up is a huge challenge in the best of times. You need a solid business plan, limitless reserves of energy and enthusiasm, and a little good luck to see you safely through the early years. Perhaps most importantly, you also need a strong grounding in the principles of business finance.
Proper financial planning prepares you to withstand business downturns, take advantage of business opportunities and maximize your chances of business success. A poor understanding of business finance may not sink your startup immediately, but it will eventually steer you into rough waters.”
Here, you will find resources and articles that can help you and your business trajectory soar.
11 Simple Ways To Improve Your Financial Literacy As A Business Owner | |
As a business owner, you need to build a solid knowledge base about business finances so you can easily communicate with and understand your accountant and/or financial advisor. Here are 11 easy strategies recommended by members of Forbes Finance Council. | |
10 Books that Boost Money IQ | |
CNBC asked financial advisors what books they recommend to boost financial acumen and improve understanding of money and the markets. Here are their picks. | |
10 Steps to Start Your Business | |
The U.S. Small Business Administration published this business guide for budding entrepreneurs. Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions, and completing a series of legal activities. Click here and scroll down to learn about each step. | |
Money Smart for Small Business | |
Money Smart for Small Business (MSSB) provides an introduction to topics related to starting and managing a business. You can find free instruction and modules on topics that fit your needs. | |
A Cheat Sheet for Small Business Finance | |
Here are 14 basic terms you definitely need to know when starting a business. | |
Financial Management for Small Business | |
This training guideline/curriculum is a basic tool to help self-guide you through the finances of a business. | |
As a resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), SCORE has helped more than 11 million entrepreneurs through mentoring, workshops and educational resources since 1964. Connect with a mentor, or find a SCORE location for free expertise. | |
Business Literacy Institute: Online Financial Training ($) | |
Online financial statements training can reach more employees where they can learn at their own pace. When live training isn’t a possibility, the online training program will help your team understand how they affect the numbers and perform better. | |
Ways to Finance Your Business | |
Finding financing in any economic climate can be challenging, whether you’re looking for start-up funds, capital to expand or money to hold on through the tough times. To help you find the money you need, Inc.com compiled a guide on 10 financing techniques and what you should know when pursuing them. | |
SCORE webinars | |
Find various webinars on different business finance topics and learn more about what it means and what it takes. | |
Financial Education for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs | |
This small business program for entrepreneurs offers online and in-person financial education solutions for understanding and qualifying for financial services. | |
Educating Small Business Owners on Financial Management | |
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) developed a program to help small business owners grow and thrive. Click this link to see the provided curriculum for direct download. The modules are for self-paced study or instructor-led classes. | |