Your credit score is an important factor in your finances. Lots of variables go into calculating this three-digit score, allowing you to pursue big and small financial undertakings (buying a house, applying for a new credit card, etc).

View the video below to get an introduction on how a credit score affects your purchasing power. The resources give you a closer look at the way credit scores are calculated, what you can do to keep yours in good shape, and what you can do to bounce back from adversities.


Credit Scores & Reports
Read this resource for an overview of the basics. While your credit score provides a glimpse into your creditworthiness, your credit report provides details of who you are as a consumer.
Understanding Your Credit Score
How does your credit score get calculated? Knowing what gets calculated – and how – will help you understand how to keep your credit score healthy.
What is a Credit Score? Credit Score Definition & More
Learn more about the most popular types of credit scores in this article. In particular, WalletHub breaks down each of the ingredients in your credit score and explain how to improve it.


9 Steps to Improve Your Credit Score
Your credit score can impact your life in major ways, from getting approved for a credit card to being able to buy a house, lease your dream apartment or buy a car.  If you’re looking to raise your score, this article offers very manageable steps you can take to start the process today.
How to Fix Your Credit
There is no quick way to fix a credit score. The tips in this resource will help you with that. They are divided into categories based on the data used to calculate your credit score.
Financial Literacy Key in Raising Credit Scores
Exposure to financial literacy programs can have a positive impact on your credit score, according to data obtained from a focus group by the San Diego-based nonprofit credit counseling agency, DebtWave Credit Counseling, Inc. This article includes a link to the program that the study used on the participants.
How to Improve Your Credit Score
Improving your credit scores takes time. You can increase your scores by taking several steps, like establishing a track record of paying bills on time, paying down debt and taking advantage of tools like Experian Boost.
Top Sources for Free Credit Scores
As a consumer, it’s important to be armed with the right information so you can make sound financial decisions. The first step is to be aware of your credit report and score.

further resources

Credit Counseling (and where to find one!)
Credit counseling organizations can advise you on your money and debts, help you with a budget, and offer money management workshops. Counselors discuss your financial situation with you and help you develop a personalized plan to solve your money problems.
Credit Repair Companies FAQ: How Do Credit Repair Companies Work?
If you have poor credit, you may be struggling. To help make you a better applicant, credit repair companies often promise to improve your credit — in return for a fee. Here’s how credit repair companies work.

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